Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Fried Pandan Chicken Recipes

I have some fresh pandan leaves from my garden. I was browsing for recipes related to pandan leaves. My friend told me why not make pandan leaves chicken. So I make it with fried version because I want some fragrance and the aroma. But pity my friend, he said not enough. Huhuhu!!! Ok lah, next time I will fried again for you. Only for you...

2-3 pcs chicken, cut into bite size
3 tbsp of curry paste
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp dark soy sauce (opt) for colouring purpose
some pandan leave, washed and wipe dry

  1. Marinade the chicken with curry paste, turmeric and dark soy sauce for couple of hours. The longer hours much better the flavour being absorb.
  2. After marinade, add 1 pc of marinated chicken with pandan leaves. Finish the rest of the chicken and kept aside.
  3. Meanwhile prepare the wok/pan/ pot. Once the oil is hot, add some pandan chicken and deep fried. Remember to add in batches. Mix around to well-cooked.
  4. After frying dry them with kitchen towel to absorb some extra oil.
  5. Serve with rice. 

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